Thursday 5 July 2012

EastEnders June 23rd- June 29th 2012

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?

EastEnders- Theweek’s BIG story

This week mainly focused on the aftermath of Janine’s premature labour which saw the birth of Scarlett Moon. My sympathy for Janine was there, despite all the despicable things she has done. It was hard not to feel sympathy- after all her tiny baby was fighting for her life in an incubator. This image frightened Michael to death and he decided that he couldn’t cope. Just as Scarlett’s machines were going off and indicating that something was seriously wrong, Michael got up and walked out of both their lives. Of course, this being soap he just had to bump into Jean who knew what he was planning and told him that if he left he would regret it for the rest of his life. All this was happening after Jean locked them both in Butchers’ Joints and threw the set of keys into the mess Michael had made. Michael had a change of heart and went straight to the hospital. It is funny how Jean can read Michael like a book and knows what he is feeling. This is mostly down to her knowing a damaged man when she sees one. After all, her own son Sean Slater was a damaged soul.

Just as I suspected (I did, honest) Jean hadn’t really flushed Michael’s St Christopher’s charm down the toilet. She wasn’t that cruel. She later gave him the charm back and said that she forgave him for his treatment of her, she just wanted little Scarlett to get better. Now this is what I love about Jean Slater- she is kind, compassionate and forgiving (with the exception of Janine who tried to frame her daughter Stacey Slater for attempted murder). So this week St Jean saved the day- she persuaded Michael not to run away as she knew that deep down he was capable of love and should make the effort for the sake of Janine who needed him.  So Michael and Janine are together and as happy as they can be considering they have a seriously premature new-born baby. I don’t think they will be too happy for too long as a) this is EastEnders, and b) Charlie Brooks, who plays Janine, is going on a six month break shortly...

In other news...

In and amongst the rather depressing hospital scenes we had some nice light relief with Zainab and Denise. I’m just glad to see either character on screen; Denise is woefully underused and last had a proper storyline about two years ago, whereas Zainab has also been quiet coming after a jam-packed 2011 which saw her marry Yusef despite him previously trying to kill her!

This week saw Denise play a prank and tell Zee that the Minute Mart was sending out an anonymous inspector to inspect them. Obviously this would mean that their customer service would be in the spotlight. This was the whole point of Denise’s scam as she knew how short Zee could be with the customers. This was immediately evident when Zee refused to let Alfie have something for free as he didn’t have quite enough change. However realising that she was meant to be on her best behaviour, Zee forced a smile and said Alfie could have the item for free just this once, after all he was a well valued customer at the Minute Mart.

An inspector did later call announced and this is when Zee realised that she had been tricked. This may not sound very entertaining, but Nina Wadia (Zee) and Diane Parish (Denise) have such great chemistry together that the make even the silliest situations come across as genuinely funny. Both ladies should be given praise for this, and I hope Denise has a proper storyline soon as Diane Parish’s talents are being wasted at the moment in favour of the ‘Who Shagged Kat’ storyline. More on this in my next blog...

Lola Pearce has never taken an insult lying down and this week she got in more trouble after Lucy sacked her for being late and because she could no longer afford to employ her.  Lola responded by throwing chip fat over a car on the forecourt at Branning Brothers.  Obviously Max and Phil instantly suspected Lucy and went around to confront her, telling her that she was going to have to pay them back. This scared Lucy to death as she had no way of raising hundreds of pounds overnight. Realising how desperate she was, Jay confessed his ‘guilt’ to Max. Max instantly realises that Jay is covering for someone and quickly realises that the vandal was Lola. Jay confesses that the vandal was Lola after Max demands the truth and Max promptly responds  by threatening to dial 999. Jay manages to persuade him not to call the police but a furious Lucy later does as Max hints that Jay is covering for someone.  Lucy is well within her rights to call the police as she has been a victim of crime but something tells me that Lola is going to be absolutely furious...

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