Sunday 29 July 2012

EastEnders July 14th- July 20th 2012

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?

EastEnders- The week’s BIG story

I have been very busy recently so this blog is going to be a short one...

The main story this week was Janine’s increasing uneasiness round her new husband. She ripped up the all important pre-nuptial arrangement and this was clearly a mistake as she began to doubt Michael all over again. This was because he was never at the hospital with her and was seemingly always on ‘business’. We saw him buying flowers for Janine while she was left thinking that he was somehow conning her. It is clear that Janine’s isolation at the hospital is increasing her paranoia. Indeed, she left Whitney watching over baby Scarlett whilst she went home. And what did she find? Michael rifling around in the safe. But he wasn’t conning her (we don’t think.) Instead, he was taking some money to buy them a new family car. Michael was furious that she doubted him already while Janine argued that he can’t blame her- after all he is rarely in the hospital where he should be. Both have a valid point and Janine seemed to calm down long enough for her husband to reassure her that she had no reason not to trust him. Janine seemed to buy this, but of course as soon as he was gone she was on the phone to Billy and told him to change the combination code on the safe urgently. So of course Janine still doesn’t trust her husband despite him urging her to take a chance on him. Will Janine ditch Michael? Or will Michael ditch Janine? I reckon that we will find out the answer to these questions within the next few months...

In other news...

The ‘Who Shagged Kat’ storyline continued with a vengeance. I’m not going to go into great detail here as it was more of the same. The only real development this week was the mystery man sending Kat a key to a flat. As Alfie continued to be distracted by football formations, Kat sneaked off to the ‘love nest’ to meet her mystery man. I did begin to wonder if Max was the mystery man as he pulled the trick when having affairs with Stacey and Tanya....

I suppose some people may say Lola’s storyline was the main storyline this week. But it involved her being utterly vile and thinking she was entitled to free food just because she is pregnant. And to be honest Lola is pretty vile regardless of pregnancy. So it was no surprise that she broke her curfew and ended up in the cells for the night. Of course it wasn’t her fault. Instead, she blamed everybody else for her reckless actions. Lola is a character that doesn’t really interest me in the slightest so I’m not going into great detail here.

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