Monday 11 June 2012

EastEnders May 26th- June 1st 2012

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?

EastEnders- The week’s BIG story

Ever since Derek Branning arrived on the Square he has caused nothing but trouble. He taunted a dying Pat, threatened to kill her son David, acted very creepily around his own sister Carol and to top it off he became involved in a whole manner of dodgy dealings, usually involving Alfie or Billy. However us viewers have seen a very different side to Derek ever since his estranged daughter Alice Branning turned up. He seemed genuinely remorseful for all the things he had put her and her brother Joey through, and vowed to her that he would change and would go ‘legit’. Of course Derek being Derek, that was never going to happen.

Behind Derek’s back, Tanya filled Alice in on her father’s criminal past and presumably a whole load of other intriguing secrets, but this happened off-screen so us viewers were left to our own imaginations on the matter. Some have speculated that Derek is the real father of Lauren Branning, but this seems wholly unlikely considering Tanya can hardly bare to look at Derek without wanting to throw up. Of course these similar rumours circulated when Jack Branning turned up, but thankfully they turned out to be incorrect. I’m sure this will be the case here- Max is Lauren’s father.

Tanya’s warning to Alice caused her to move faster than when Hev (God rest her soul) saw that someone was closing in on the last block of cheese. Alice ran for a taxi just as Derek was making his way over to the Brannings, which caused huge embarrassment to the clan because it’s not like they’re not used to airing their dirty linen in public, is it?!

With a little help from Cora, Derek realised that someone must have bad-mouthed him to his beloved daughter. It didn’t take him long to figure out who. Tanya was after all acting very strangely around Derek (although that was always the case), and seemed to want to avoid his company completely (we can’t say we blame her).  Angry that Tanya had potentially cost him his relationship with Alice, Derek grabbed her roughly by the arm and sneered that he was onto her and that if she ever did anything like that again he would kill her. Although knowing Derek, he’d probably get someone else to do the job.  Throughout this encounter, which was in a busy Square, no one said or did anything.  And no one familiar to Derek or Tanya happened to be walking past at the time. How convenient you might say? Well I’m sure the scriptwriters will have had the encounter that way on purpose, but in real life Derek would have been challenged.

Tanya’s face said it all. She was scared of Derek and she regretted talking to Alice. She probably even feared for her safety. This then led to a horrible thought- will Derek kill Tanya? Jo Joyner (Tanya) is leaving the show early next year. Will Derek be true to his word and kill Tanya? Only time will tell….

In other news…

Jean’s new friendship with Michael is just an elaborate plot for Michael to take all of Jean’s money. Of course she doesn’t know this which is why she gave him the Vic’s £10,000 V.A.T money. Michael promised to double Jean’s investment in his scheme. Jean, knowing that Michael will be helping Alfie, decides to give him the ten grand. Of course this money was going straight into paying for Michael’s wedding to Janine.

All of this would be ‘ok’ if Roxy hadn’t noticed the huge discrepancies in the accounts. Questioning Jean about this led Jean to panic and demand that Michael hand the money back. Michael, who was getting into a taxi with Janine for their weekend in Paris, said he didn’t know what money Jean was talking about.  This of course led to Jean left with a look of horror and confusion on her face. When will she realise that she is being conned?

Lucy’s attempt to return to normality in the wake of Ian’s disappearance was thwarted this week. Lucy started the week in high spirits because of Mandy’s exit and assumed that her dad, ever the businessman, had decided to go on the honeymoon cruise. This is hardly surprising, after all Ian is the tightest man in Walford.  This happy existence was shattered after, during her house party, Lucy discovered Ian’s passport in a chest of drawers whilst looking for matches. Realising that Ian was in fact missing and not on honeymoon, Lucy panicked and told Phil and Ben in order for them to help her. This led them to going to a hotel where Ian’s credit card was being used.  This led them to Mandy, not Ian, who was holding a wake for Lorraine. Unsurprisingly, no one turned up. So this was the week we said a goodbye to Mandy Salter, a character brought back after a seventeen year absence. In all honesty, I will be sad to see Mandy leave. She was a hugely sympathetic character, who despite her obvious flaws, would own up to them and try her best to please everyone. It’s such a shame she didn’t love Ian enough to stick around, but let’s hope that she doesn’t wait seventeen years to come back to Walford next time.

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