Monday 11 June 2012

EastEnders May 19th- May 25th 2012

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?

EastEnders- The week’s BIG story

Ever since his baby faced Brother Ben Mitchell confessed to him that he’d killed poor old Hev, Ian Beale has been in utter turmoil. Already slightly manic due to the events in his life, this confession ultimately pushed him over the edge. And it’s no surprise really. Ian Beale is seen as a bit of a joke by the residents of Walford: his run of failed marriages leaves people aware that he is desperate to marry Mandy, his wayward daughter hates his fiancée, he is spending money faster than he is earning it, and his business are making losses not profit. All in all, he is in a bit of a state. This partly explains his actions this week, which has seen Ian turn to frantically running around trying to organise a wedding that even the bride doesn’t want to go to. This is because Mandy’s mother Lorraine finally succumbed to alcoholism leaving her daughter needing some breathing space. Hardly surprising considering Lorraine told her daughter that she was ‘unlovable’.  On top of all this, Ian’s arch enemy Phil Mitchell has threatened him not to reveal killer Ben’s secret- or else….

Ian’s world finally fully imploded when Mandy, on the day of the wedding no less, dumped Ian after deciding that she didn’t love him enough to marry him. God knows why Mandy left it until the morning of the wedding to declare this. This tipped an already fragile and manic Ian over the edge and led him to walk out of Walford,  his son and daughter and directly down the side of a very busy dual carriageway. Wearing nothing on his feet and with just a dressing gown for shelter. Oh dear, we fear this isn’t going to end very well at all. Not only for Ian, but for his daughter Lucy who saw Ian choose Ian over her; Ben whose secret is about to come spilling out; Phil who will lose Shirley for good; Shirley who will learn the horrifying truth etc. The ramifications are endless and this is what has made the Heather storyline so engrossing. So many different people are involved and the consequences will be so far reaching.

In other news

Roxy’s crush on Alfie reached new heights this week. Not only did she call herself ‘Mrs Moon’ to a delivery man, she nearly burst with excitement when a downtrodden Alfie asked her out for a curry. A curry at the Argee Bhajee is hardly a romantic date for two, but it did the trick for a smitten Roxy who was so obviously happy about the ‘date’, that her best mate Christian had to tell her to re-consider and to also move out of the Vic. Christian feared that his best friend was just going to end up hurt and wanted to prevent this from happening. Roxy, however, ignored his words of wisdom, and dolled herself up. In typical soap fashion, Alfie then rushed off to see an upset Kat. Roxy was left all done up and with nowhere to go.

Gullible Jean Slater toasted her new friendship with evil Michael Moon this week. Michael has been consistently conning Jean with investment opportunities. He has said that if she gives him all of her savings and the Vic’s £10,000 VAT money , he will double it within weeks.  Of course, this hasn’t happened and instead he has been ploughing all of the money into his wedding to Janine who herself is blissfully unaware of the deception that her fiancé is involved in. Of course this will all come out very soon in dramatic fashion…

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