Thursday 21 June 2012

EastEnders June 9th- June 15th 2012

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?

EastEnders- The week’s BIG story

EastEnders June 9th- June 15th 2012

Ever since Kat Moon’s sudden exit in January her husband Alfie and Roxy have grown increasingly closer. Kat’s absence has meant that Alfie can be himself again and Roxy has clearly been bringing out the best in him. After all, it is blindingly obvious to the majority of viewers that Alfie and Kat no longer have the spark that made them such a magical pairing in the first place. Indeed, this chemistry is now evident between ‘Grandad’ and ‘Peroxide’.  These are the affectionate nick-names that Alfie and Roxy have given each other (much to the viewer’s delight). So Kat’s arrival back in the Vic has caused tensions and knowing looks between her husband and her enemy. Well, I say enemy but Roxy has done absolutely nothing wrong but Kat has taken a dislike to her for some reason.

This week saw Kat with Jean (does she ever even look after her son or spend any time with him?) rifling through Michael’s paperwork to see if he had left any evidence behind of his dodgy dealings. Unluckily for them Michael was far too cunning and had destroyed all evidence. This enraged Kat who once again snarled in Michael’s direction and proclaimed that she would find evidence that proved that he was a liar. Michael was again one step ahead and sent the police around to the Vic to warn Jean and Kat that their continuing harassment was a criminal offence. Kat then told the police about Michael’s deception but she was told that she would have to file a separate complaint. This delighted Janine who was convinced that Jean was obsessed with her fiancé. Ever gleeful at somebody’s downfall, Janine revelled in Kat and Jean’s embarrassment. This enraged Kat who threw a drink over Janine after the latter called Jean a ‘nutter’. Never one to take a ‘hit lying down, Janine threw a drink right back over Kat. This led to Kat changing into what can only be described as a monstrosity that must have cost 50p from Walford Borough Market.

Kat decided to speak to Janine face-to-face and with only the two of them involved in the conversation. Janine listened but laughed off Kat’s pleas for her to believe that her fiancé was a liar. Janine then told Kat that Eddie Moon was skint so can’t have lent Alfie the £10,000 V.A.T money. A furious Kat guesses (correctly) that Roxy had left Alfie the money. She comes to this conclusion after Derek teases her about how close her husband grew towards Roxy during her absence. This riles Kat who then proceeded in sacking Roxy and informing her that she was working her last shift at the Vic. Of course, Roxy would have a decent case for unfair dismissal but this is soap and Roxy just took the news, but not without guiltily confessing to Kat that she has a crush on Alfie. Kat accepted this as hardly surprising as she knew Alfie as a man that makes people feel special. This is all true of course but if Kat knows this, why does she continue to act coldly towards her supposed true love? This is the Kat who has recently had a bunk up with a near stranger in an alley way. Kat’s moral high ground is looking very shaky to me.

Despite her cold ways, Kat made sure she did show Alfie some affection as she knew Roxy was looking on. Sure enough, Roxy silently left the pub with Kat putting on a right show of affection for Alfie. Alfie then said that he loved Kat when she was ‘like this’ which surely means he is well aware of their marital problems. Only time will tell whether Kat manages to keep up the show and whether she manages to show continued affection for her husband, or whether she will go back to her previous ways of acting coldly towards him.....

In other news

Despite Derek warning Lucy previously that he was onto her and that he knew she was behind Alice’s inebriation, Lucy continued to play with fire and this week informed Derek’s probation officer that Derek is dealing in something dodgy. This comes after the probation officer heard Derek saying some not very nice things to Lucy. Lucy’s words have some serious consequences for Derek as his probation officer later pays him another visit and tells him of his disappointment and that he thought Derek was really going straight this time. While this is all going on, Alice is waiting for her dad who had promised that he would take her out for the day. An incensed Alice got fed up of waiting and decided to head home just as Derek was arriving to meet her. Alice told Derek that he had let her down once again and that she was fed up of him saying one thing and doing another. Realising that Lucy is behind his downfall with Alice, a vengeful Derek paid Lucy a visit and told her that he would not be messed with. As he shouted that he could be a not very nice man when pushed, a terrified Lucy cowered and agreed not to mess with him again. Satisfied for now, Derek once again helped himself to the till’s takings and left Lucy collapsing into terrified sobs of relief.

This week saw two proposals. First a desperate Jay proposed to Abi in a bid to keep her in the country. Abi had been offered a summer scholarship to Costa Rica (where?!), and Jay was anxious that she should stay in Walford with him. Abi had already said she wasn’t going on the scholarship but after Tanya persuaded her, she agreed much to Jay’s annoyance. This led to Jay’s proposal. Will Abi say yes?

The second proposal came from Tanya to Max. Bizarrely, she chose just after a heated row to propose. A stunned Max said that he wasn’t ready and that he was happy the way things were. A dejected Tanya looked slightly disappointed but agreed. Will Max change his mind?

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