Friday 12 October 2012

EastEnders September 29th- October 5th 2012

This week was certainly a step up from last week. Indeed, I actually watched the episodes without clock watching and wondering ‘is this episode ever going to end?’ I find that the better quality episodes go really fast and that the dull ones drag on for what seems like forever when it is still only 30 minutes long. This week saw the return of Kat and Alfie Moon after they had left for a few weeks while Alfie got to grips with Kat’s confession that she had been having an affair. Of course Alfie should have dumped Kat at once but being the softy he is, he forgave her and believed her insistences that she would never cheat on him again. I don’t believe this for one second as Kat has promised this before but then gone on to cheat again.

They returned to the news that Phil had taken over at the Vic and that they were out of jobs. Phil, as owner, had every right to do this as they had just upped and left without any prior warning. Kat and Alfie were crestfallen but Kat insisted that it was her fault and she would persuade Phil to change his mind. I immediately thought Slutter Slater would return and offer Phil sexual favours in order to get their jobs back. Instead, Kat acted like an adult and insisted to Phil that they wouldn’t let him down again and that they were both very sorry for leaving him in the lurch. This act of contrition did nothing to sway Phil and he still stood firm in his decision that they no longer had jobs. Kat realised desperate action was needed and surprisingly she didn’t drop her knickers for Phil. To raise the rent that they had defaulted on, she pawned her late mother’s engagement ring and this obviously was a desperate thing for Kat to do. It worked as Phil listened to her begging and to the news that she had been having an affair and so needed the Vic to fix her marriage. Phil gave her and Alfie one last chance and warned them not to let him down again as next time he wouldn’t be so generous. Alfie was happy but not his usual self so clearly Kat’s affair has affected him in more ways than we had realised. This became evident as he repeatedly asked Kat who her mystery man was. He asked her if it was Michael after seeing her coaching a struggling Michael and then Phil after learning that she had persuaded him to give them their jobs back. Only time will tell whether Alfie fully learns to trust Kat again.

The other big storyline this week was baby Lexi being taken away by social services after Alexa reported Lola for assault. Lola did punch Alexa in the face but this was only after she and her gang had bullied Abi continuously and then threatened to kill baby Lexi. I’m not surprised that Lola lost it and punched Alexa because as a parent she was trying to protect her child and Alexa’s threats were vile. Lola shouldn’t have listened to the bullies though as they reported Lola to the police and social services came and took little Lexi.
I felt so sorry for Lola when this was happening as despite everything she is a good mum to her daughter and would do anything to protect her. I also felt angry at the social worker for being so swift to take Lexi away. The social worker had barely left Lola alone and had been visiting her daily to check up on her despite Lola giving her no real reason to do so. Lexi was never in any danger and the worst that had happened to her was wearing a tea towel for a nappy for a few minutes while Billy went to buy nappies. The dishes were building up in the sink and the table could have done with a wipe but these are not real reasons for a social worker to constantly harass a young mum. Yes, Lola was on a tag for vandalism but this did not affect her ability to be a mother in any way.  Danielle Harold gave a fantastic performance as the young mum distraught at losing her daughter and proved herself a brilliant actress in a show filled with them. Lola has really stepped up to the plate as a mother and I desperately hope that she gets Lexi back for good.

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