Saturday 20 October 2012

EastEnders October 13th- October 19th 2012

This week in Eastenders saw the Masood family take centre stage. They haven’t been centre stage since the Yusef storyline last year, so it was great to see them acting their hearts out again. The week dawned with Syed and Christian’s partnership ceremony which saw them finally commit to each other.
 Syed had doubts about going through with the ceremony and told Christian this and about his kiss with city banker Danny. Christian forgave him and so it seemed all was well. After all, Zainab had told Christian that she admired his determination in not giving up on Syed and that she was proud he was now part of their family. Masood also proudly declared that he had gained a son in Christian and that he was so proud of the family for reaching his point. I had to laugh as it wasn’t that long ago that Masood walked past Christian getting beaten up in the street and did absolutely nothing. This was a key moment for the character of Masood- it showed he had a dark side.

Roxy confessed her worries to Christian and basically told him that she worried that she was losing him to Syed and she didn’t think Syed would ever truly make him happy. This caused some friction between the best friends but this was forgotten when Roxy stepped forward and offered Christian the money to pay back to the Masoods. This money was the cash that Syed had used to pay off a cleaning contractor when in fact he said he was giving it to the bank for the missed mortgage payments.  These lies exploded spectacularly as the bailiffs arrived at the wedding venue (the Arjee Bharjee) and said they were repossessing the property because of four missed mortgage payments.
Syed did a runner as this was happening and wanted to run away, but Christian refused. Christian forced Syed to face up to his responsibilities and that he did. Syed told his parents everything and exonerated Tamwar in the process. Masood was absolutely furious and told Zainab he wanted her to leave. And leave she did as we saw a taxi driving away from the square. Will she be back? And will Syed and Christian raise the money to pay back the baliffs?

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