Wednesday 3 October 2012

EastEnders September 22nd- September 28th 2012

This week saw recent returnee Sharon Watts get a storyline of sorts. I have been waiting for her to get a proper storyline since she returned and I don’t count the return episodes as a proper storyline as they were quite frankly, rubbish and over the top.

·         This week saw Sharon enter a meeting for addicts and declare herself an addict. And that is it. On the Monday she declared herself an addict and then it wasn’t mentioned at all for the rest of the week which was unrealistic and just stupid. So EastEnders give Sharon something to do and then don’t mention her shocking confession for the rest of the week. That makes sense. Not.

·         It seems Sharon is addicted to painkillers and keeps a stash in her bag and in the filing cabinet at work in order to ease her anxiety. She doesn’t need them for physical pain of course; she is just addicted to the feeling of calm they give her after the terrible anxiety caused by seeing her husband murdered right in front of her. I hope in the coming weeks and months we actually see this explained in some way and see Sharon confiding in her good friends Phil and Ian. (I don’t count Tanya as a proper friend because they’ve only known each other for five minutes.)

·         Syed Masood is a character that has been underused for months now and his only real storyline since his 2010 wedding is his money worries and the fact that he has stolen from the family business in order to clear his debts which have built up as a result of Janine’s exit. Left in danger of bankruptcy, he forged a cheque on behalf of Tamwar and then lied to Zainab about Tamwar’s business debts. Zee then gave her son her life savings and ordered him to pay off Tam’s debts and not to tell anyone. So Syed has returned to his 2009 self and this is the lying, shifty character who is ultimately a coward beneath the bravado. I also don’t buy Zainab’s continued interest in his partnership with Christian. She was a homophobe until like five minutes ago and I bet Zainab is kicking herself now considering she gave Yusef’s inheritance to Kim and Denise to rebuild the B&B and now it turns out she really needs it. Syed confided in a city banker who was dining at the restaurant and who was clearly flirting with him. Will Syed cheat? (I’m guessing the answer is yes as he and Christian are due to leave next month.)

·         Michael Moon is nutty at the best of times but he’s really lost it now! He’s snappy with almost everyone and this week he confessed to Roxy that he didn’t care what happened to Scarlett and this scared him. I agree with Roxy- he needs help and if I were her I’d be straight on the phone to social services because he’s clearly not coping with his daughter without Janine. I never thought I’d say this but he really needs Janine at his side as without her he is weak and lacking the spark that he previously had. In the meantime, it looks like we will be treated to more scenes of Michael looming over Scarlett’s pram and then palming her off with the latest neighbour who agrees to baby sit while he attends a ‘really important business meeting’.

·         Derek and Joey’s feud of sorts picked up pace as Joey called the police and attempted to set his dad up with the police. It all started when Joey pretended to be friendly to his dad and instead was plotting his downfall. Derek and Joey began to reminisce about Derek’s old car and Joey told of his regret in that he never actually got to drive the car. Derek told Joey he would ‘sort it’ and of course Joey thought that Derek would steal one to show him and so called the police and told them that there would be a stolen car parked outside the R&R club that night. What Joey didn’t realise was that Derek was one step ahead of him and so brought along a toy car which he brought out of his pocket much to Joey’s disbelief. Joey was left humiliated and I can’t say I’m bothered either way as I haven’t particularly warmed to the character.

All in all it was a fairly good week, but nothing explosive happened which is worrying as we are entering autumn which is traditionally the season in which plots begin to seriously heat up.

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