Monday 10 September 2012

EastEnders September 1st- September 7th 2012

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?

EastEnders- The week’s BIG story

Finally! This week saw some proper kitchen sink drama in EastEnders, courtesy of an unbalanced Shirley Carter who is played to perfection by Linda Henry. Shirley’s life has unravelled ever since she discovered the horrific truth about who killed her best friend Heather. Leaving Phil and vowing to destroy him, Shirley turned to drink to numb her pain. As the week progressed we saw Shirley becoming increasingly volatile after Kat chucked her out of the Vic because she blamed her for the bed bug infestation. (The real source was Kat as it turned out her flat she shared with her mystery lover was the place from which she had spread the bugs).

Thankfully, Jean took pity on Shirley and told her that she needed to sort her life out while she still had the chance. She urged Shirley to move on as living in Walford was clearly eating away at her. This was true and the scenes were acted to perfection by Gillian Wright and Linda Henry. We even had some dark comedy as Shirley branded Jean a “nutter” and saw some real chemistry between the two. I hope this unlikely friendship is developed when Shirley returns later in the year. Back to this week, and Jean’s kindness and words of wisdom didn’t last long as Shirley turned to booze again and ended up sleeping on a bench in the square and on the floor outside the minute mart. Denise showed her some compassion and urged her to come back to the B&B with her as she really needed to pull herself together. After bumping into Jay and being urged by Patrick to forgive him, Shirley attacked him and told him that she would never forgive him for the lies he had told to protect Ben.
Clearly dismayed at her inability to forgive (and who can blame Shirley for that?!), Denise said that maybe Shirley should move on. Denise and Jean’s words of wisdom were both spookily accurate- Shirley had to heal away from a place that held such bad memories. Indeed, days earlier Shirley had nearly been attacked after a man wouldn’t take no for an answer. Luckily Phil punched him and sent him on his way but Shirley still didn’t want to know.

Indeed, Phil realised that Shirley needed her daughter’s help after she visited him and tried to make him turn to drink again. Not a good move when he’s an alcoholic, eh Shirl! Phil said that he wouldn’t turn to drink because he loved her and wanted to be there for her when she came round and forgave him. This angered Shirley and deciding that she would leave Walford, she stumbled through the square before falling into a gutter still clutching her bottle of scotch. This was what Carly first saw as she returned to the square and being unsurprisingly disgusted at her mum’s condition, she proceeded to walk straight back out of her life.

This led us to the last episode of the week and what a treat it was!

Denise pleaded with Carly to stay and hear her mum out. Phil also approached Carly and offered her cash to take her mum away from the Square. Of course we were left wondering if he wants her away from the Square because of her health or because she keeps threatening to tell the police that he was protecting Ben all along. Carly was disgusted at Phil’s offer and raged that he had taken half of her mum away. Yes, Carly did listen and stuck around long enough to have a mini heart- to –heart with her estranged mother.
 There was a beautiful moment when Shirley held her newborn grandson in her arms and smiled a proper genuine smile. This was so nice to see as we rarely see Shirley smile! Carly then offered her mum the chance to go and live with her until she got back on her feet so to speak. Shirley accepted and after forgiving Jay for his part in Heather’s death, warned Phil that when he least expected it, she would be back! So that is the end of Shirley for a few months at least as Linda Henry takes a well deserved break. This storyline has really brought Shirley to the forefront of the show and this can only be a good thing!

In Other News:

Zainab showed some compassion towards Ian and accompanied him to the doctors.

Sharon and Tanya made friends after Sharon confessed that Dennis has been murdered.

Lucy began to soften towards Ian.

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