Monday 3 September 2012

EastEnders August 25th- August 31st 2012

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?


EastEnders- The week’s BIG story

After a great couple of weeks with exceptional drama from all involved, EastEnders slipped back down in quality as quickly as Kat rips off her knickers when she’s with her mystery lover. This week focused on the storyline of Kat’s affair with a mystery man. We know its Derek, Max, Jack or Michael. Personally, I think the mystery man is Derek but that’s another story.

Kat’s liaison with her mystery man was witnessed by Alfie this week and yet he didn’t guess that the mystery man was sleeping with his wife behind his back. The whole saga began with the Vic Football team being thrown out of the league because of Ray playing for two different teams. The discovery led to a mass brawl between the team and this led to glasses being smashed and chairs being thrown. As Alfie cleared up the mess, Kat tended to her lover’s injured hand in the kitchen. Alfie then walked in on them but as Kat was just cleaning the wound he thought nothing of it. After all, all he could see was his wife helping his friend. This is what is so frustrating- Alfie trusts Kat despite her track record of cheating on him.  Kat also despaired that Alfie had employed a down and out Shirley to work behind the bar along with the recently employed Fatboy. For once, Kat was right in that the Vic didn’t need any more staff. This was clearly a plot device to ensure Kat felt let down by Alfie once again.

Kat of course felt guilt. A bottle of her favourite perfume had been left on the bar for her. She assumed it was from her mystery man so of course arranged for him to meet up with her. After another rendezvous she felt terrible guilt when Alfie asked if she had found his gift for her. This wasn’t enough to stop the affair as Kat once again texted her lover and then slipped the phone back down her cleavage. Seriously, who hides their phone in their bra?!

The week did end with Kat being completely thrown. After the lover had had his wound tended to and left, Kat saw the words “I LOVE YOU” written in her lipstick on a bandage she had used. Kat’s face was a picture. She had been up for a bit of fun but now the trysts had turned into something more. Her lover was saying that he had fallen for her. Is he messing with her head? Or is he being genuine? I can’t wait to find out despite not liking this storyline...

In Other News...

Lucy was still fuming with her dad for his vanishing act and this week informed him that she was going to be letting the stall that had been in his family for generations. Ian was heartbroken but thankfully Sharon persuaded her against the idea...

Tanya and Sharon were brought together by Ian after he realised that Sharon needed a friend after she changed her mind and decided to stick around in Walford. He paired her up with Tanya which was amusing as they had exchanged bitchy comments just the week before when Tanya came home to find Sharon in her clothes. Their ‘friendly’ game of boxing on the wii was highly amusing as both women were determined to win. What was even more amusing was these scenes were interspersed with the brawl going on at the Vic. It was Tanya who won and Sharon who stormed off after accusing Tanya of being over competitive but only after insulting her house and saying that when she had lived there it had been much more homely. Ouch. Is this the start of a new friendship or the start of a feud? I suspect the former...

AJ returned to the Square with his bags and made straight for the Masoods’ house. Zainab’s welcome was less than welcoming and being Zainab, she interfered and called his wife who told Zainab that he had left her because he didn’t want children and not because she’d had an affair.

FINALLY! Walford’s most boring character ever left the Square after losing everything in a poker game with Derek. If you’re still awake I’m talking about Anthony Mon. Hopefully Tyler follows him soon...

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