Tuesday 7 August 2012

EastEnders July 28th- August 3rd 2012

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?

EastEnders- The week’s BIG story

This week was all about Ian Beale.  Ever since Mandy dumped him and he wandered off down the side of a dual carriageway, his daughter Lucy has been left on her own to struggle to look after Bobby, fend off a greedy Derek and look after two businesses with little help from anybody else. Clearly, Lucy has matured and stepped up to the plate. The previous actress who played Lucy was far too ‘one note’- she was incapable of bringing genuine emotion to the part. Hetti, on the other hand, has managed to bring genuine emotion to Lucy Beale during one of the most difficult times of her life.

It was left to Lauren Branning to find Ian. Lauren and Whitney had been volunteering at a homeless shelter in order to get free gig tickets. (It would have been nice if EastEnders had shown them volunteering for the sake of helping others…) The look of disgust on Lauren’s face was clear to see. Her nose wrinkled, and she looked horrified. Thankfully, Whitney was more compassionate and this was very realistic seeing as when we were first introduced to Whitney she was living on the streets with Bianca and her siblings. Whitney really proved herself this week, and I know a lot of people were impressed with her attitude. This is nice to see as Whitney is a character that a lot of people haven’t liked since she was paired with Tyler Moon.

After a day volunteering, Whitney volunteered Lauren to help out moving some supplies seeing as she had a car. This moment was key as this was when an incredulous Lauren spotted Ian scurrying through the shelter, clearly horrified at what he had become. Racing home, she told Max and Tanya of what she had seen. They were unsure as they believed Ian was visiting Peter in Cornwall. Of course this was Lucy’s lie in order to keep Bobby with her. If social services had found out her plight Bobby would have been taken away from her (and probably sent to Jane.) After enlisting Alfie’s help, Tanya and Max went to the homeless shelter with leaflets adorned with Ian’s photograph (this amused me- it seems within five minutes they had created professional looking leaflets). Handing these out, they pleaded with people to remember if they had seen Ian. Luckily for them, one young homeless girl had seen Ian. Realising that she was the same age as Lauren, Max gave her £30 in order for her to lead them to Ian. This is exactly what she did.

Ian was huddled in a corner of a not very nice place. In his absence he had grown a long, straggly beard and adorned a rather tatty looking hat. We don’t know how the trio persuaded him to come home as the next scene showed him being tended to by Tanya. This is the Tanya Cross I love: the warm, sympathetic one and not the bitchy, ‘plastic’ one. (Producers take note!) Ian wasn’t talking to anyone and instead was staring ahead blankly. If Tanya thought taking Ian home was a good idea, she was wrong. A clearly shocked Lucy slammed the door in his face and this is not really a surprise considering the anger she feels for him. As already mentioned he totally abandoned her and Bobby and left a huge amount of pressure on Lucy’s young shoulders. So the week ended with Ian found and living at Max and Tanya’s for the time being. One thing is for sure- Lucy isn’t going to forgive her dad easily and this makes for great viewing for us!

In other news…

Cora’s bombshell secret had last week rocked Tanya’s world. Finding a birth certificate amongst her mother’s belongings was a huge shock and one that left her eager for answers. Unfortunately, Cora clammed up and refused to tell Tanya about her sister. It was then left to Max to try to talk Cora around and remind her not to push Tanya away when she needed her most. His wise words obviously had an effect on Cora, as she visited Tanya and told her the truth. It turns out Ava was born out of wedlock in a time when this was seen as a crime. Cora gave birth alone and the baby died. Cora kept saying “she’s dead” but I’m not convinced. I don’t believe this was a storyline that would be over in a couple of episodes. My theory is that Cora’s baby was taken away from her and adopted because of her being very young and unmarried. Cora could know this, or she could have been told that her baby died when instead she was taken away from her alive. Unfortunately, this happened to women in Cora’s circumstances. So Ava could be dead, or she could be alive. The great mystery is whether Cora knows the truth or not. After burning the birth certificate, Cora surely knows something that we and Tanya don’t! Her actions scream that she has something to hide and I’m sure it will only be a matter of time before us and Tanya knows the truth. Let’s just say I think Ava will be a character on the Square within the next six months. After all, there wasn’t a death certificate was there…

For all the latest EE news visit the official website

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