Sunday 12 August 2012

Eastenders August 4th- August 10th 2012

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?

EastEnders- The week’s BIG story

Because of the Olympic 2012 games, EastEnders has been on BBC2. This has meant there have been only three episodes this week. To be honest, the three episodes were quite boring. The week just gone felt like a ‘filler’ week- a week used to fill up in time, in which nothing much happened. There were a few plot developments...

Kat’s mystery man ISN’T Ray. This week saw Ray conclusively ruled out. Whilst Kat was in the kitchen on the phone to her mystery man, Ray interrupted her. This was a relief as I’m glad Kat won’t have betrayed her good friend Kim, (although she thinks nothing of betraying her husband Alfie!) The revelation that it isn’t Ray has left many people confused. If they’re not meeting up for romps, why were Ray and Kat giving each other knowing looks over the bar? The answer is that of course the director told Chucky and Jessie to give each other shifty glances. However, now we know that Ray is innocent (but guilty of horrid facial hair) the aforementioned glances look silly and childlike. EastEnders could have been a bit more inventive here. So now only four suspects remain- Jack, Derek, Michael and Max. I keep changing my mind as to who Kat’s mystery man is, but I’m edging closer to Derek, even though the idea repulses me. Why Derek? He’s involved in every other storyline after all...

In Other News...

One of my favourite EastEnders character at the moment, Shirley proposed to Phil Mitchell this week. I am aware that after their disastrous March 2011 non wedding, Shirley said that she would NEVER become Mrs Mitchell. So what changed her mind? Well Shirley was touched by Phil’s support as she took to the roof of the Queen Vic in order to complete her charity abseil in order to raise money for George’s trust fund. There was a double booking (!) so there was no abseil, but instead Shirley conquered her fear of heights with the help of an encouraging Phil.

It was a miracle she’d even got up there in the first place as just minutes before she has been swigging vodka in a car in the Arches. Classy as ever, Shirl! While Phil and Shirley were on the roof, a frantic Ben was searching for Ian who had earlier gone walkabout. Phil urged Ben not to let him out of his sight as he could reveal the truth about Heather at any moment. Luckily for them, Ian was located fairly quickly. I couldn’t help noticing how Phil and Shirley were very high up and as a result, getting flashbacks to Phil and Stella and Stella’s jump to her death after it was discovered she had been physically abusing Ben. Also worth noting was the last person to go up on the roof where Phil and Shirley were was Bradley Branning and that didn’t end well (he fell off in the live episode and died...) so, is this a hint for what’s come? Will someone end up going SPLAT on the pavement? We will find out next week in a seven episode special which also sees the return of Sharon

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