Sunday 26 August 2012

Eastenders August 18th- August 24th 2012

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?

EastEnders- The week’s BIG story

This week mainly focused on the aftermath of the previous week’s events. Everyone was in shellshock after learning that Ben Mitchell had murdered Heather.  While he was in police custody it was left to Jay Mitchell to face the wrath of the angry residents who wanted justice for Heather. This really bemused me as most of them never gave Heather the time of day when she was alive. Jay emerged from the tube station looking terrible and we later learnt that he had been sleeping rough for a couple of nights as he did not want to go home.  As he walked the streets of Walford he saw the front page of the Walford Gazette which had two silhouettes and said that youths had been questioned on suspicion of the murder of a ‘much loved resident’. Obviously the residents had by now learnt the truth and Jay was given dirty looks left, right and centre. What really annoyed me was Max Branning’s criticism of Jay. In fact, Max had tried to con Heather back in 2010 when he was desperate for money so clearly didn’t value her as a person. Max’s hypocrisy was disgusting as this was the man who had slept with his son’s wife. Of course Max never murdered anyone, but then neither did Jay! Andrew Cotton’s anger was understandable though and as he chased Jay through the square it was clear that he didn’t care what happened to him as long as he got his hands on Jay.

Jay not actually being a murderer didn’t matter to the residents of the square. Graffiti was sprayed on the Mitchell’s walls and Phil was in no mood to clean it off. Phil’s main focus this week was getting through to Ben in order for him to change his statement. He first needed to force Jay to change his statement despite Ben urging Jay to tell the truth. Jay refused meaning that Phil threw him out and told him that he wanted nothing more to do with him.
I always knew Phil would drop Jay at any instant but I didn’t realise how fast this would be. Jay’s situation then declined further as Billy went back on his word and refused to let Jay stay with him as he thought he could be a danger to Lola and Lexi. Jay was distraught as he hadn’t killed anybody and was being treated as if he had. Billy Mitchell’s hypocrisy was astounding and Jay rightly called him a coward. Billy had after all been in a similar situation to Jay. He had stood by and done nothing when Jay’s dad was being beaten to death. Billy had a chance to save Jase’s life but took the coward’s way out. Jay was after all helpless as Ben’s actions were over in a second.

Thankfully, Patrick eventually took pity on Jay and took him in; much to Denise’s dismay who reminded Patrick that she had already offered Shirley a room should she ever need it. Patrick stood firm and Jay was to stay in the B&B. Shirley was staying with Phil and as the week went on she realised that she had to move out and leave Phil. This realisation came as she was scrubbing the graffiti off the wall. We were treated to a fantastic scene in which Shirley’s hands were covered in red graffiti which wouldn’t wash off. She was reminiscent of Lady Macbeth of course who imagined her hands to be covered with the blood of King Duncan. Shirley told Phil that now she had ‘blood’ on her hands she couldn’t stay with him and that their love had turned twisted and that it was now something nasty. Linda Henry was fantastic in this final confrontation and really should be picking up some awards.

Phil was left alone after throwing Roxy out and his isolation was evident as sat in the house alone. His isolation was compounded as a distraught Shirley added that she still might tell the police that he knew about Ben’s crime. Phil then realised that he had to declare his undying love for Shirley in order to keep her sweet. The writer’s have been very clever here as Phil’s love for Shirley is hanging in the balance- does he really love her? Or he is just been stringing her along? Andrew Cotton implored to Shirley that she must leave Phil for good as the trust had gone. Andrew was Shirley’s ally after earlier questioning her over whether she knew about Ben’s guilt all along but he couldn’t cope with the truth and decided to leave Walford for good.

As the week drew to a close it was Phil’s final chance to persuade Ben to retract his statement. During a visit to Ben in prison, Phil told him that he would never cope in prison and that he would be a punch bag for the other prisoners. Ben didn’t care and told Phil that he wanted to pay for what he had done.  Ben also told Phil and Ian that he didn’t want them to contact him or visit him while he was in prison. This left Phil heartbroken as Ben walked out of his life for the foreseeable future.  This ended Ben’s time on the show and his transformation from dance loving Ben to murderer was complete. The change in actor helped this transformation along. I really can’t imagine Charlie Jones (the old Ben) in this storyline. Joshua Pascoe, as the new Ben, has been fantastic and I’m sure we will see him return as Ben Mitchell one day in the future.

In other news...

The teens had a game of spin the bottle. Yawn. Although this was a reminder that Lauren Branning has a drink problem.

Fatboy got sacked from the chicken shop and was hired by Alfie who took pity on him.

Sharon got a job as manageress at R&R’s.

Janine returned to work and her distrust of Michael was evident as she questioned his movements.

Anthony asked Alice out- she said yes if you’re interested (I’m not...)

Monday 20 August 2012

EastEnders August 11th- August 17th 2012 Part 2

Ben was horrified by her conclusion and tried to persuade Shirley that Phil would never have hurt Heather despite not really liking her. In his desperation, Ben let a vital piece of evidence slip that only the killer could know. Only Shirley knew that little George had been asleep in bed when his mother was murdered and she hadn’t told anyone this fact. Shirley was horrified as the truth finally dawned on her. It was Ben, not Phil, who had killed her best friend! Revolted at his actions, she begged him to say the words to her. He did. “I killed Heather”. A furious Shirley then chased Ben upstairs after he had locked himself in the bathroom. Smashing her way in, she grabbed Ben and started to drown him in Ian’s dirty bath water. Eww. Thankfully, (or not) Phil arrived home from taking Sharon’s to Max’s house (why Max!) and grabbed Shirley before she too committed murder.

Shirley was positive that she wanted Ben to pay for what he done and that she was going to the police station with the murder weapon. It was left to Phil to persuade her to hear him out and explain why he, as her fiancé, had kept the truth from her. (Yes, Phil confessed that he and Jay had known all along). Shirley’s whole world had just collapsed so Phil was eager to take advantage of her vulnerability. He implored that he was only protecting his son and if it was the other way around, he was sure that Shirley would have done the same. Shirley couldn’t answer this, but rightly said that this wasn’t a petty crime, it was murder and the murder of her best friend.

Shockingly, Shirley agreed not to go to the police and to hear Ben out. While Phil went to get him, he had gone missing (three guesses where?!) which ensured Shirley and Phil went looking for him in the heaviest rainfall I have ever seen! I am sure it was thanks to the use of a rain and wind machine which was unnecessary as rain doesn’t add to the drama whatsoever! Ben was next seen at the police station where he confessed to the murder of Heather Trott. He had confessed after Phil and Shirley had burst in on him and Phil immediately urged Ben to stop telling vicious lies as he could get into serious trouble. It was Shirley who asked that the police listen to him and take him seriously. DI Marsden was already furious at Ben as his lies about Phil and Stella had cost her a promotion so wanted to be involved to hear what ‘rubbish’ Ben had concocted this time.

As Ben was being interviewed he was strangely calm and said that they needed to take him seriously this time as he was telling the truth. He told them that the murder weapon would prove his story and that he had left it on the table at home. He also told them something only the killer would know- that he had put a tea towel over Heather’s face. This finally convinced the police to take Ben seriously and some officers were sent to the house where Shirley had gone home to. While Ben was being interviewed and Phil was at the police station urging Ritchie Scott to do something, Shirley was telling Jay that she knew everything. Jay was obviously remorseful but this fell on deaf ears as Shirley insisted that he was going to have to live with his actions for the rest of his life. Shirley then said that she had to decide whether she loved Ben, Jay and Phil more than she hated them. As the police were banging on the door, it was Shirley who was holding the murder weapon. What would she do?

As it turns out, Shirley had hidden the murder weapon in the washing machine! However, she changed her mind just as DS Crisp was about to leave and as she caught his eye, she directed it towards the washing machine. This was cleverly done as technically Shirley had told them nothing, but her eyes had done the talking. The discovery of the murder weapon ensured that Ben was taken seriously and he was charged with murder. Jay confessed too after receiving a note from Ben telling him that everything would be ok. Ben was charged with murder and Jay with perverting the course of justice. Jay was bailed and Ben held in police custody. So the week ended with Shirley finally discovering the truth and the return of Sharon. The entire week was fantastic and the whole EE team should be proud of their work.

EastEnders August 11th- August 17th 2012 Part 1

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?

EastEnders- The week’s BIG story

This week was the week we have all been waiting for. Yes, Shirley finally found out the truth about Heather’s murder. The week’s episodes (SEVEN in total) were spread across one day and what a day it was for all the main players (Shirley, Ben, Phil, Jay and Sharon). The week started with Shirley and Phil genuinely happy and Shirley finally making progress in accepting Heather’s death. There was even talk of “everything is going to be ok from now on”. Obviously this statement by Phil had alarm bells ringing in my head. Whenever somebody says something along these lines something always happens that blows their world apart. Shirley and Phil’s engagement party at the Vic was a nice affair for Shirley, but a tense one for Phil who was keeping an eye on a fragile Ian rather than celebrating with his fiancée. Ian’s behaviour was very strange and him dropping a glass after seeing a photo of Heather was very obvious and clichéd yet effective. I’m shocked that no one realised that he tensed up whenever Heather’s name was mentioned...

Shirley and Phil went home to celebrate with their real friends and not the free loaders at the Vic. This party was of course interrupted by an urgent knock at the front door. Phil opened the door to see Sharon Rickman stood there in her wedding dress. It turned out that she had just jilted her fiancé at the altar and the first place she could think of running to was Albert Square. So off Phil went with Sharon to rescue her son Dennis, leaving Shirley and Ben together.

I’m not going to go into huge detail about Sharon and Phil’s journey as to be honest it was very farfetched and ridiculous but I will say that Sharon got Dennis back after Phil punched her fiancé who had kidnapped Dennis as revenge for Sharon jilting him. (The real excitement was happening on the square and I was eager for the Sharon and Phil scenes to be over so we could get back to what was happening with Shirley and Ben!)

Shirley was at a loose end so went round to Denise’s. While chatting about Shirley’s estranged daughter Carly and her newborn son, Shirley was horrified to notice the photo frame she believed to be the murder weapon on Denise’s shelf. The frame now contained a photo of Kim and Denise. Grabbing the frame and wrapping it in a tea towel, Shirley begged to Denise to tell her where she got it from. So off they went on a wild goose chase to the charity shop where Kim had bought it. Cora informed them that it came in a bag from the Vic. Shirley and Denise then confronted Jean who (for dramatic reasons) couldn’t remember where the bag of charity came from. Then she remembered that the bag with the photo frame in came from Phil and Shirley’s house. (Shirley had just had a clear out and taken the belongings to Jean who sorts them out and then takes them to the charity shop. Remember Ben and Jay’s desperation getting the photo frame back just a few weeks ago?)

Shirley then arrived home and was clearly putting the pieces together slowly. She had learned that the photo frame came from her house, went to Jean, went to the charity shop where it was bought by Kim and displayed at Denise’s house. She came to the conclusion that Phil had killed Heather! Obviously this is close, but not quite close enough. Shirley placed the photo frame on the table and waited for Heather’s killer to come home. It was Ben who arrived home first and he was visibly shocked to see the murder weapon on his table, despite thinking that it had been thrown away. Shirley screamed at him that she knew who had killed Heather! It was Phil...

Sunday 12 August 2012

Eastenders August 4th- August 10th 2012

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?

EastEnders- The week’s BIG story

Because of the Olympic 2012 games, EastEnders has been on BBC2. This has meant there have been only three episodes this week. To be honest, the three episodes were quite boring. The week just gone felt like a ‘filler’ week- a week used to fill up in time, in which nothing much happened. There were a few plot developments...

Kat’s mystery man ISN’T Ray. This week saw Ray conclusively ruled out. Whilst Kat was in the kitchen on the phone to her mystery man, Ray interrupted her. This was a relief as I’m glad Kat won’t have betrayed her good friend Kim, (although she thinks nothing of betraying her husband Alfie!) The revelation that it isn’t Ray has left many people confused. If they’re not meeting up for romps, why were Ray and Kat giving each other knowing looks over the bar? The answer is that of course the director told Chucky and Jessie to give each other shifty glances. However, now we know that Ray is innocent (but guilty of horrid facial hair) the aforementioned glances look silly and childlike. EastEnders could have been a bit more inventive here. So now only four suspects remain- Jack, Derek, Michael and Max. I keep changing my mind as to who Kat’s mystery man is, but I’m edging closer to Derek, even though the idea repulses me. Why Derek? He’s involved in every other storyline after all...

In Other News...

One of my favourite EastEnders character at the moment, Shirley proposed to Phil Mitchell this week. I am aware that after their disastrous March 2011 non wedding, Shirley said that she would NEVER become Mrs Mitchell. So what changed her mind? Well Shirley was touched by Phil’s support as she took to the roof of the Queen Vic in order to complete her charity abseil in order to raise money for George’s trust fund. There was a double booking (!) so there was no abseil, but instead Shirley conquered her fear of heights with the help of an encouraging Phil.

It was a miracle she’d even got up there in the first place as just minutes before she has been swigging vodka in a car in the Arches. Classy as ever, Shirl! While Phil and Shirley were on the roof, a frantic Ben was searching for Ian who had earlier gone walkabout. Phil urged Ben not to let him out of his sight as he could reveal the truth about Heather at any moment. Luckily for them, Ian was located fairly quickly. I couldn’t help noticing how Phil and Shirley were very high up and as a result, getting flashbacks to Phil and Stella and Stella’s jump to her death after it was discovered she had been physically abusing Ben. Also worth noting was the last person to go up on the roof where Phil and Shirley were was Bradley Branning and that didn’t end well (he fell off in the live episode and died...) so, is this a hint for what’s come? Will someone end up going SPLAT on the pavement? We will find out next week in a seven episode special which also sees the return of Sharon

Tuesday 7 August 2012

EastEnders July 28th- August 3rd 2012

Another week in soap has passed but what has been happening?

EastEnders- The week’s BIG story

This week was all about Ian Beale.  Ever since Mandy dumped him and he wandered off down the side of a dual carriageway, his daughter Lucy has been left on her own to struggle to look after Bobby, fend off a greedy Derek and look after two businesses with little help from anybody else. Clearly, Lucy has matured and stepped up to the plate. The previous actress who played Lucy was far too ‘one note’- she was incapable of bringing genuine emotion to the part. Hetti, on the other hand, has managed to bring genuine emotion to Lucy Beale during one of the most difficult times of her life.

It was left to Lauren Branning to find Ian. Lauren and Whitney had been volunteering at a homeless shelter in order to get free gig tickets. (It would have been nice if EastEnders had shown them volunteering for the sake of helping others…) The look of disgust on Lauren’s face was clear to see. Her nose wrinkled, and she looked horrified. Thankfully, Whitney was more compassionate and this was very realistic seeing as when we were first introduced to Whitney she was living on the streets with Bianca and her siblings. Whitney really proved herself this week, and I know a lot of people were impressed with her attitude. This is nice to see as Whitney is a character that a lot of people haven’t liked since she was paired with Tyler Moon.

After a day volunteering, Whitney volunteered Lauren to help out moving some supplies seeing as she had a car. This moment was key as this was when an incredulous Lauren spotted Ian scurrying through the shelter, clearly horrified at what he had become. Racing home, she told Max and Tanya of what she had seen. They were unsure as they believed Ian was visiting Peter in Cornwall. Of course this was Lucy’s lie in order to keep Bobby with her. If social services had found out her plight Bobby would have been taken away from her (and probably sent to Jane.) After enlisting Alfie’s help, Tanya and Max went to the homeless shelter with leaflets adorned with Ian’s photograph (this amused me- it seems within five minutes they had created professional looking leaflets). Handing these out, they pleaded with people to remember if they had seen Ian. Luckily for them, one young homeless girl had seen Ian. Realising that she was the same age as Lauren, Max gave her £30 in order for her to lead them to Ian. This is exactly what she did.

Ian was huddled in a corner of a not very nice place. In his absence he had grown a long, straggly beard and adorned a rather tatty looking hat. We don’t know how the trio persuaded him to come home as the next scene showed him being tended to by Tanya. This is the Tanya Cross I love: the warm, sympathetic one and not the bitchy, ‘plastic’ one. (Producers take note!) Ian wasn’t talking to anyone and instead was staring ahead blankly. If Tanya thought taking Ian home was a good idea, she was wrong. A clearly shocked Lucy slammed the door in his face and this is not really a surprise considering the anger she feels for him. As already mentioned he totally abandoned her and Bobby and left a huge amount of pressure on Lucy’s young shoulders. So the week ended with Ian found and living at Max and Tanya’s for the time being. One thing is for sure- Lucy isn’t going to forgive her dad easily and this makes for great viewing for us!

In other news…

Cora’s bombshell secret had last week rocked Tanya’s world. Finding a birth certificate amongst her mother’s belongings was a huge shock and one that left her eager for answers. Unfortunately, Cora clammed up and refused to tell Tanya about her sister. It was then left to Max to try to talk Cora around and remind her not to push Tanya away when she needed her most. His wise words obviously had an effect on Cora, as she visited Tanya and told her the truth. It turns out Ava was born out of wedlock in a time when this was seen as a crime. Cora gave birth alone and the baby died. Cora kept saying “she’s dead” but I’m not convinced. I don’t believe this was a storyline that would be over in a couple of episodes. My theory is that Cora’s baby was taken away from her and adopted because of her being very young and unmarried. Cora could know this, or she could have been told that her baby died when instead she was taken away from her alive. Unfortunately, this happened to women in Cora’s circumstances. So Ava could be dead, or she could be alive. The great mystery is whether Cora knows the truth or not. After burning the birth certificate, Cora surely knows something that we and Tanya don’t! Her actions scream that she has something to hide and I’m sure it will only be a matter of time before us and Tanya knows the truth. Let’s just say I think Ava will be a character on the Square within the next six months. After all, there wasn’t a death certificate was there…

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